From the creators
of Speech Blubs

For kids ages 3 and up
And for parents who know the benefits of reading and that it starts way before school.

Real children, real ABCs!
Real children reading stories, combined with letters, words, and picture puzzles.

An early literacy app
Let your child develop a love for reading before they learn to read!
She liked it a lot and was very eager to go to the next alphabet!
- Pamela "PamBoogie" Imoukhuede
Reading to your child regularly is essential for their speech and language development. As a Speech Pathologist, I see busy homes with few books and lots of screens. Reading Blubs can help bridge the gap between technology and literacy.
- J. Lane, SLP
This will get your child reading! All the literacy check-offs are in there!
- Robert McKenzie, Early Literacy Specialist
This is a very unique app! My daughter enjoyed putting the puzzle pieces back together.
- Ella W.

Interactive Reading!
Real kid “teachers” will read interactive stories to your child every day, just like you would read on a relaxed sunny day.

Words, made of sounds!
Your child will build words and hear what sounds different letter-combos make. This is one way teachers teach reading, and we just added FUN to the picture.

Real letters!
Inspired by Montessori principles, your child will learn letter names by playing with known materials and shapes from her/his world.

The love of stories is key!
Your child will follow along with our kid expert to: find objects, build letters, travel through the stories, and combine words! This builds a love of stories – the #1 prerequisite for success in school and in life.

Feedback on your child’s reading level!
Reading Blubs starts with an extensive assessment that determines your kid’s reading level and gives recommendations on where to start.

Resource for parents!
Parents! We are your one-stop website for everything reading related. Visit our blog page for interesting articles on reading; how to start, when to read, what to read, and all other tips & tricks!
Reading Blubs is Dyslexic-friendly!
From the creators of Speech Blubs!
Speech Blubs is the #1 speech-boosting app! It has been approved by speech therapists around the world, has been downloaded over 2 million times, has been featured in various publications, and is the owner of many prominent awards & certificates.

Boost your child's speech, language, and early literacy skills with smart screen time designed to get your child ready for school! Create your account to unlock two apps, and start using Speech Blubs for FREE.